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6 blog criteria for better SEO ranking

Updated: Aug 22


Now that you have built your showcase website or E-commerce website, you must realize that there is still a lot of work to do. To be truly effective and successful, you must not limit yourself to simply putting your products or services online and waiting for potential buyers to find them on the Internet. If you want to sell online or gain leads (receive calls or quotes from potential customers depending on your business), it is important that potential customers know your business, understand how it works and easily find what they are looking for. This means that you need to implement a tailor-made digital marketing strategy using a blog for better SEO ranking. Building a blog and integrating it into your website will significantly contribute to this objective by establishing you as an expert in your business. niche market and improving your web presence, thereby influencing the decision-making process before customers make their final decision.

A blog for better SEO ranking

A blog can improve your natural referencing SEO by building regularly updated and relevant content for your website. More frequent updates help search engines identify your website as active, which ultimately leads to higher search engine rankings. Having content around relevant keywords also helps you position yourself on the web among all the other sites competing for similar traffic. Through this activity, you will see an increase in customer visits and sales to your online store or showcase website. Your website can be found more easily by your potential customers if you create and integrate a professional blog, which makes it more visible on Google. Every weekend, write several blog articles on different topics related to your products and/or services (fashion, health, finance, etc.) and share them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram via @yourcompany. These blog posts will drive traffic from social media and will also attract people who are searching for information on these topics on Google. The goal is for the first page of the search engine to consider you as an authority or expert in this field and rank you higher! The good news is that a blog can also be used as a backlink to your website, giving credit to your site in the form of a link. This practice has very positive effects: potential customers will be able to find your site more easily and visit it more frequently. Indeed, the Google algorithm takes into account the number of external links pointing to a given website (backlink) when ranking search results. Additionally, when writing articles on your blog, you should make sure to include plenty of keywords related to your business, which will help increase your visibility in search engines.

It is estimated that the Google robot scans a website on average every 2 weeks. This relevance is established based on around a hundred criteria. It is therefore on these criteria that all SEO referencing work is done. Blog articles are a golden opportunity to play on several of these criteria, to make your site relevant in the eyes of Google and therefore, so that it displays on the first page during a targeted search. A blog is the perfect tool to help you improve your search engine rankings. Search engines such as Google and Bing use their “spider” robots to crawl the internet for new content. The more frequently they find your content, the more relevant your website will be to them, and will therefore rank higher in search engine results pages for relevant searches.

The relevance criteria that blog posts can work with are:

1/ Keywords for better SEO ranking

These are words that people use to search for what they want on the Internet. The bottom line is that when your client asks you to do keyword research, they're not just looking for keywords related to their business or product. They need to know the words that describe their audience's needs, interests, and actions so they can reach them where they are in search results.


A good keyword list helps you quickly identify the most relevant words and phrases when creating web content by drilling down to deeper levels of granularity. Keyword lists help you identify the topics that matter most to your customers, so you can focus your efforts on content writing design. So, if he writes "How to get better natural SEO ranking?", and you have written a blog article about it, he will find your website on the first page if you have taken care to use the right words -keys in your blog post. He will also find it if he writes "How to appear better on google?". To find the most relevant keywords to use, you need to ask yourself one essential question: "What keywords would a user use on a search engine to find the answer to their question, what should I address on my blog? When you have a blog, each post becomes an opportunity to place relevant keywords so your potential customers can find you. And the more relevant keywords your website contains, the more your visibility on the web increases.

2/ A clarified layout for better SEO ranking

Google assumes that relevant content is clear content, both in terms of its web writing and its layout. You must therefore carry out two tasks: give your article a coherent tree structure, and indicate to Google the words which are the most important in your text.


Firstly, it involves building a blog article with a title, parts and sub-parts (even if we will rather talk here about secondary titles and sub-titles). Your blog article must therefore be composed of several distinct paragraphs, also allowing the text to be aired out and easier to read. Then, simply tell your search engine what your main title, secondary titles and subtitles are, using “title tags”. To do this, simply highlight your title and select, in your text editor, which title tag it is (main title, secondary title or subtitle). There is a lot of talk about the importance of keywords because they are essential for better SEO ranking and online visibility. But what about the reader? When you make a word or group of words bold or italicized, you tell Google that they are important words in the text. Putting these words in bold, for example, allows you to highlight your keywords to Google. Be careful, however, not to forget your reader: your text is addressed to him, not to Google!

So you need to make sure that the words in bold indicate to your reader that this element is important in terms of meaning, while also ensuring that it contains keywords that are useful for Google. By only bolding keywords without paying attention to the meaning of the text, your reader may not understand why you emphasize these words and this will make the message of your article much more confusing. Use bold, italics, and underlining sparingly. Indeed, bolding, italics and underlining are useful tools for drawing attention to particular words or phrases in your blog posts. However, they can also have the opposite effect if used too often. If you use bold, italics, or underlining too often, it will distract your readers from what's important in your blog post: the content itself.

Let's take an example: if you put a word or group of words in bold or italics and at the same time use other techniques such as images and links, there is no doubt that some readers will not know if This word or phrase is so important that it was necessary to highlight it with a different font color than the rest of the text (instead of just being decorative). Some readers will even be annoyed by this constant changing of fonts and colors, because they don't understand why this was necessary. You should therefore avoid using all of these techniques together unless it is absolutely essential to your message.

3/ Relevant links for better SEO ranking

When a link points to your blog article, it is called a “backlink”. The backlink can be internal (an article on your blog points to another article on your blog) or external (a site other than yours points to your blog article). Internal backlinks tell Google that there is thematic consistency between all your articles, which increases their relevance.


An external backlink indicates that your article is considered relevant by other sites. To determine the value of these external backlinks, Google takes into account two parameters: the relevance of the site which directs to your article (if it itself is considered a serious site in its field), and the consistency between this site and your blog post. The first parameter is based on the similarity between the content of its pages and yours. So, if you are writing about digital marketing strategies for small businesses for example in Cameroon or Canada, then having an internal link from an online directory dedicated to small businesses will be valuable. Regarding the second parameter, if you mention specific keywords in your text when referring to this other website, this also helps to increase its SEO ranking because it indicates that there is some sort of consistency or correspondence between the two websites.

4/ Interaction for better SEO ranking

interaction avec l'agence web digitale Cocodrilo Del Nilo

What's the point of writing content if it doesn't generate any interaction ? A relevant article that deserves to be well referenced according to Google is also an article that generates interaction. In other words, the more comments and shares your blog post generates on social media, the more likely you are to have it appear on the first page of Google. So forget about writing blog posts for the sole purpose of accumulating keywords. Your articles should be engaging, useful and contain “calls to action”. These are used to invite your readers to take an action, for example by asking them a question to encourage them to answer it in a comment.

If you want to write quality content that generates interaction and therefore obtain a good ranking in Google, you must follow these tips:

  1. Don’t use too many keywords: This may seem obvious but many people still make this mistake. Focus on creating interesting topics rather than trying to rank for every possible keyword. Remember, the most important thing is that people read your content!

  2. Use images and videos: Images are essential for generating interactions because they allow users who are not interested in reading long texts to express their opinions through comments and reactions on social networks.

The first thing you need to do is learn how to write a good blog post. It's not an easy task, but it's very rewarding when you succeed. The best way to start is to read articles from different authors as much as possible and see what they do differently from each other. If you're looking for a little inspiration, here are some post title ideas that could be very successful on your blog:

  • How to properly reference your blog on Google without using keywords?

  • 13 Easy Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Blog.

  • 7 tips for creating a community around your blog.

5/ A descriptive title for better SEO ranking

This brings us to our fifth criteria: web content quality writing. Indeed, Google favors qualitative articles in its SEO.


Articles that are long, useful, read in their entirety, and meet all of the above criteria (or at least a large portion of them) are generally considered qualitative. So, if visitors spend more time on your website (because of quality content), they are more likely to contact you for your services or purchase something from you at the end of their visit than if they had simply browsed some products or services while doing other things online or offline. You can even think of it as a sort of customer loyalty program, which will encourage customers to come back regularly and buy more often than before!

6/ Regular content for better SEO


Having a blog allows you to publish content on a regular basis, and therefore improve your relevance for the search engine. This is a definite advantage, especially if your website is not likely to be updated often.

In conclusion, call our Web Digital Agency Cocodrilo del Nilo if you are looking for an expert and professional for better SEO ranking, in particular content marketing strategy which includes SEO web writing of your blog articles


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